Virtual Handshake Challenge
The enCourage Kids Foundation is a NYC based foundation that helps medically challenged kids live a better life. The enCourage Kids Foundation works to support Pediatric Therapist, create tablet programs, and build out hospital fun centers just to name a few. Early March, the enCourage Kids Foundation was scheduled to host their largest fundraiser and annual Gala. This gala normally raises over $1.8 million dollars which offsets their annual operating budget. Due to Corona, they were forced to cancel. This has put the charity and the nearly 1 million kids that they support in jeopardy.
Once I became aware of this situation, the team at N2U Creative Marketing Group decided they had to act! They created a campaignntitled, the Virtual Handshake Challenge.
Kids in the hospital need our help now more than ever.
As hospitals close their playrooms, impose visitor limitations, and shift resources toward fighting this pandemic, pediatric patients will be more secluded, less supported, and more scared than ever before. “Physical distance should not mean social isolation.” —Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Staff Neurosurgeon, Emory Clinic; CNN Chief Medical Correspondent.
Children and families in the hospital struggle with isolation every day. Today, every one of us is feeling that same overwhelming impact. “Social distancing” is requiring us to create new social norms. We have to replace our traditional handshake, a way we’ve greeted each other for centuries. For this reason, we’ve created a fun way to stay connected: the VIRTUAL HANDSHAKE. 
This challenge was born to help us keep our promise to deliver joy, hope, resilience, and healing. Every dollar raised, with every virtual handshake, fist bump, and elbow touch helps pediatric patients feel connected and stay positive during these uncertain times.
Our work is vital as we listen and adapt to the unique needs of hospitals.
In the first 3 weeks of the campaign, The Virtual Handshake Challenge raised more than $10,000 to support the efforts of the enCourage Kids Foundation.